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Flower therapy

Mother Nature is a healer, and one of her most powerful gifts comes in the form of flowers.Flowering is very important as it releases the manifest energy of the plant in its fullest potential.

Flowering represents the expression/creation of new life and hence has the energy equivalent to a fully grown plant but in a compact form.

They enhance/replenish the specific kind of energy lacking in the body. When the imbalance is rectified the body works back towards its healthy state. Each variety has a different “personality” to promote physical and emotional wellness. As Heaven’s masterpieces, flowers are Divine vessels of healing.

Flower Therapy is a method of working with different blossoms—based upon their appearance, fragrance, essence, colors, and energies—to address specific needs and desires.Flower Therapy involves working closely with nature, including the fairies and angels. Fairies make wonderful allies, as they can help you manifest your heart’s desires. When you work with flowers, you automatically access fairy energy. Angels are also associated with each flower. Angels are our loving friends, involved in every aspect of our lives, and present throughout the planet.

Whether you’re working with flowers in your own garden, or specially purchased to heal a specific situation, they will bring more emotional, physical, and spiritual beauty into your life.

I will explore each of the seven chakras, connecting each to specific flower essences. (Flower essences, a vibrational healing system, floods each chakra with light and balancing energies.)

First Chakra:

 Located at the base of the spine and the back of the knees. Its Sanskrit name is Muladhara, meaning, “root support.” It is associated with the color red, the element of earth, and the sense of smell. This Chakra connects one to the earth and reveals patterns related to issues of insecurity, fear, greed, safety, and prosperity.

devine healing Flower Essences:

 Hibiscus, Pomegranate, Fulva Red Iris, Douglas Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Apple Blossom, Rose, and Angelica, Mountain Pride, Shooting Star, Aloe Vera and Manzanita.

Second Chakra: 

 Located between the pubic bone and the naval. Its Sanskrit name is Svadhishthana, meaning, “dwelling place of the self.” It is associated with the color orange, the element water, and the sense of taste. This chakra aligns a person with the procreative organs, the pelvis, the sacrum, and the soles of the feet. The patterns of imbalance associated with this energy center are creative stagnation, fear, sterility, lust, inertia, and unconscious somatic memories.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Hibiscus, Zinnia, California Poppy, Oriental Poppy, Fireweed, Fuchsia, Indian Paintbrush, Iris, and Mimulus,

Third Chakra: 

 Located in the solar plexus, the lumbar spine, and the umbilicus. Its Sanskrit name is Manipura, meaning “city of jewels.” It is associated with the color yellow, the element fire, and the sense of sight. This chakra is also associated with digestion. The key patterns of imbalance are anger, self-denial and lack of integrity, inertia, confidence and an inability to take leadership. When in balance, the third charka helps us to accept our own individuality and to feel ‘at home’ on earth.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Blackberry, Sunflower, Buttercup, Dandelion, Mustard, Evening Primrose, Glacier Lily, Meadow Blend, Wall Flower and Sweet Pea.

Fourth Chakra: 

 This energy center is located between the shoulder blades, the heart region, and the palms of the hands. Its Sanskrit name is Anahata, meaning, “unstruck.” Mostly known as the Heart Chakra and associated with the color green, it activates the sense of touch. This chakra aligns the respiratory and circulatory systems with emotional energies. Patterns of imbalance create over- attachment and neediness, an inability to receive, emotional paralysis, feelings of abandonment, sexual dissatisfaction, and conditional love.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Nootka Rose, Bleeding Heart, Purple Crocus, White Crocus, Apple Blossom, White Magnolia, Lavender, Phlox, and Forget Me Not.

Fifth Chakra: 

 This energy center is located at the back of the neck and throat region. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, meaning “pure.” Mostly known as the Throat Chakra, and associated with the color blue and the element ether or space, it activates the sense of hearing and speaking. This chakra purifies communication and speech patterns. Patterns of imbalance include unresolved grief, fear of judgment, speech impediments, hesitancy, decision-making and all hindrances related to self-expression and inspiration.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Snap Dragon, Morning Glory, Lilac, Angel’s Trumpet, Borage, Giant Blue Iris, Larkspur and Violet.

Fifth Chakra: 

 This energy center is located at the back of the neck and throat region. Its Sanskrit name is Vishuddha, meaning “pure.” Mostly known as the Throat Chakra, and associated with the color blue and the element ether or space, it activates the sense of hearing and speaking. This chakra purifies communication and speech patterns. Patterns of imbalance include unresolved grief, fear of judgment, speech impediments, hesitancy, decision-making and all hindrances related to self-expression and inspiration.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Snap Dragon, Morning Glory, Lilac, Angel’s Trumpet, Borage, Giant Blue Iris, Larkspur and Violet.

Sixth Chakra: 

 This energy center is located on the forehead and between the eyebrows. Its Sanskrit name is Ajna, meaning “command” or “perception.” Known as the Third Eye, the color indigo/cobalt transcends the elements and activates the physical senses, opening the gateway to cosmic attunement.

It invigorates the cerebellum. Patterns of imbalance include lack of vision, imagination, and an inability to connect with devotion and higher love.

devine healing Flower Essences:

Cat’s Ear, Purple Water Lily, Sagebrush, Silversword, Pansy, Passion Flower, Queen of the Night, and Ashley Michelle Iris.

Seventh Chakra: 

 energy center is located at the top of the head. Its Sanskrit name is Sahasrara, meaning “thousand-petaled lotus.” Known as the Crown Chakra, this chakra is associated with the color violet, and reaches beyond space and time into the highest realms of the infinite and eternal. It controls the cerebral cortex and opens one to very high spiritual vibrations. Patterns of imbalance include self- delusion, escapism, lack of clarity, and a tendency to glamorize the spiritual world or indulge in spiritual materialism. In balance the individual is illumined with intuitive guidance and the gift of ‘seeing.’

devine healing Flower Essences:

Lotus, Orchid, Bells of Ireland, Fig, Silversword, and Cat’s Ear.

angel healing karmic healing